评论Coating.ca亚博全站官网登录网址亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com 亚搏手机登录主页版加拿大涂料信息 太阳,2020年12月13日07:45:54 +0000 每小时 1 Kevin Mckeown对加拿大太阳能窗户涂料亚搏手机登录主页版亚搏全站app登录的评论 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-4501 凯文部 太阳,2020年12月13日07:45:54 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-4501 你们预计什么时候生产和上市销售?也对股票市场和一些信息感兴趣。凯文·麦基翁 你们预计什么时候生产,什么时候上市销售?也对股票市场和一些信息感兴趣。
Kevin Mc Keown

评论加拿大光致发光涂料由Leonard https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-4470 伦纳德 2020年12月9日21:36:58 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-4470 Hello, We are looking for a Canadian supplier of glow powder / glow paint. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you!


我们正在寻找加拿大发光粉/发光漆的供应商。你有什么建议吗?< / p > < p >谢谢!< / p > Zaki Omerson的《防冰涂层》评亚搏手机登录主页版论 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/anti-ice-coating/#comment-4335 扎基Omerson 2020年11月22日星期日17:57:04 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4045#comment-4335 需要我的汽车报价 我的车需要报价

评论Jordab的加拿大光致发光涂料 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-4209 Jordab 太阳,2020年11月01日15:33:21 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-4209 我们正在寻找使用紫色发光涂料为一个大的户外和平旗。你们有适合这项工作的产品吗?谢谢。 我们正在寻找使用紫色发光涂料为一个大的户外和平旗。你们有适合这项工作的产品吗?谢谢。< / p > 评论加拿大粉末涂料斯科特亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/powder-coating/#comment-4176 斯科特 2020年10月26日星期一18:55:49 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4030#comment-4176 Am Larry and i will appreciate a quick response to my inquiring bellow 1. types of powder coating you do or what other product do you deal with 2. Types of Payment you do accepted. I will appreciate a response from you at the earliest possible times. Thanks Best Regard Larry

Am Larry and i will appreciate a quick response to my inquiring bellow

1. types of powder coating you do or what other product do you deal with

2. Types of Payment you do accepted.

I will appreciate a response from you at the earliest possible times. Thanks

Best Regard


评论加拿大光致发光涂料由Natalia Solomonov https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-3984 纳塔莉亚索罗门诺夫也 2020年8月28日16:36:50 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-3984 嗨,我在寻找混凝土在深色油漆中的辉光。我从Michaels买了一些,但是不好用,所以我会退货的。我需要一份具体的。你们有吗? 嗨,我在寻找混凝土在深色油漆中的辉光。我从Michaels买了一些,但是不好用,所以我会退货的。我需要一份具体的。你们有吗?< / p > 评论坦克涂料和坦克内衬加拿大由金亚搏手机登录主页版贾克斯 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/tank-linings-coating/#comment-3749 金正日杰奎斯 2020年6月23日星期二10:20:27 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4329#comment-3749 We have a 10000 concrete block cistern that is used for potable water storage. Please let me know if you consider a smaller job like this. Thank you.

We have a 10000 concrete block cistern that is used for potable water storage. Please let me know if you consider a smaller job like this.

Thank you.

评论橡胶涂层加拿大由Ulrich H亚搏手机登录主页版亚搏全站app登录aussmann https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/rubber-coating-canada/#comment-3668 乌尔里希奥斯曼 Tue, 02 Jun 2020 15:27:23 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=5243#comment-3668 这能用在地板漆上吗?而不是氨纶(丙烯酸乳胶)?玻璃纤维?谢谢。

这能用在地板油漆上吗?而不是氨纶(丙烯酸乳胶)?玻璃纤维?谢谢。< / p > 评论购买粉末涂料加拿大由Elisa Cont亚搏手机登录主页版reras https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/powder-coating-powder/#comment-3647 Elisa孔特雷拉斯 2020年5月28日星期四20:58:31 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=6203#comment-3647 Hello, I am looking to source Cardinal paint products to Calgary, specifically samples (or minimum available quantity) of 7100 liquid epoxy topcoat and 6460 polyurethane primer. Do you know who is the distributor for Cardinal paints in Canada? Thanks for the help! 我正在寻找卡尔加里的Cardinal涂料产品,特别是7100液体环氧面漆和6460聚氨酯底漆的样品(或最低可用数量)。你知道谁是卡地纳涂料在加拿大的经销商吗?谢谢你的帮助!< / p > 评论高热涂料加拿大由Sonya https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/high-heat-paint/#comment-3643 桑娅 2020年5月27日星期三15:00:16 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4558#comment-3643 Looking to paint the brick behind a wood burning free standing stove. But all the paints I see are black and I want white. I assume these are for the metal of insert and not the brick. Any suggestions for the brick?

Looking to paint the brick behind a wood burning free standing stove. But all the paints I see are black and I want white. I assume these are for the metal of insert and not the brick. Any suggestions for the brick?

评论车库地板涂料加拿大布莱恩比利亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/garage-floor-coating/#comment-3580 布莱恩·比利 2020年5月15日星期五17:07:36 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4382#comment-3580 Hi, What are the "Flame Spread Rating " & " Smoke Development Rating" for Garage Floor coating types ?


什么是“火焰传播等级”,& # 8221;Smoke Development Rating” for Garage Floor coating types ?

评论防污涂料加拿大克雷格 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/anti-fouling-paint/#comment-3468 克雷格 太阳,2020年4月19日22:50:06 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4040#comment-3468 希望得到一些底部船漆黑色27'玻璃纤维的名人

希望得到一些底部船漆为27′玻璃纤维名人< / p > 评论王子达尔瓦迪的透明环氧树脂 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/clear-epoxy-resin-canada/#comment-3451 王子Dalvadi 2020年4月18日星期六05:31:45 +0000 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=6685#comment-3451 我们正在做环氧地坪和树脂艺术 我们正在做环氧地坪和树脂艺术

评论纳米涂料加拿大由Ayold亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/nano-coating/#comment-1622 Ayold 2019年5月16日星期四09:31:14 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4937#comment-1622 In reply to <a href="//www.vroombistro.com/nano-coating/#comment-1619">Mohamad Kassab</a>. Dear Mohamad, Thank you for your interest in nano coating for cars. Unfortunately, Coating.ca does not provide coating directly - we are a Coating Connection Service, connecting large scale projects with the right coating company for the job. For nano coating for cars we recommend you contact your local garage for advice. Good luck with your car! Best regards, Sofia - Coating.ca

在回复穆罕默德Kassab < / >。< / p >

Dear Mohamad,

Thank you for your interest in nano coating for cars. Unfortunately, Coating.ca does not provide coating directly – we are a Coating Connection Service, connecting large scale projects with the right coating company for the job. For nano coating for cars we recommend you contact your local garage for advice. Good luck with your car!
Best regards,

Sofia – Coating.ca

评论纳米涂料加拿大由Mohama亚搏手机登录主页版亚搏全站app登录d Kassab https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/nano-coating/#comment-1619 穆罕默德Kassab 2019年5月14日星期二17:42:28 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4937#comment-1619 你们有Nano汽车涂料吗?没有纳米涂层!亚搏手机登录主页版绘画,如改变车辆的颜色,这是以后可以敲 你们有Nano汽车涂料吗?没有纳米涂层!亚搏手机登录主页版绘画,如改变车辆的颜色,这是稍后可敲

评论加拿大阿约德的光致发光涂料 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-1575 Ayold 2019年4月15日星期一11:48:58 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-1575 In reply to <a href="//www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-1567">Roxane</a>. Dear Roxane, Thank you for your enquiry about photoluminescent paint. For a glow in the dark paint for canvas, we recommend products that are acrylic-based or the use of glow in the dark pigment that you can add to your paint medium. For example, AllureGlow and GloNation have a range of acrylic-based fluorescent paints and additives. Just browse their websites to find what you are after. Good luck with your studio! Anne-Kathrin – Coating.ca

在回复罗克珊. >



祝你的工作室好运!< / p >

Anne-Kathrin – Coating.ca

罗克珊加拿大发光涂料评论 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-1567 罗克珊 2019年4月12日星期五17:03:29 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-1567 Hi, I own an art studio and we are looking for glow in the dark paint for canvas. Will this product be appropriate? Thanks!


我拥有一个艺术工作室,我们正在寻找在黑暗中发光的画布颜料。这个产品合适吗?< / p > < p >谢谢!< / p > 评论加拿大太阳能窗户涂料由Sally Ip亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-1508 莎莉Ip 2019年3月21日星期四15:32:54 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-1508 我遇到这个是因为我在为一个微型住宅寻找太阳能电池板。我想看看我能不能得到一个巨大的天窗能提供光和能量。这太完美了!这将取决于成本和生产过程,看看住宅客户是否真的负担得起。不能等待这项技术的发展! 我遇到了这个,因为我正在寻找太阳能电池板的微型住宅转换。我想看看我能不能得到一个巨大的天窗能提供光和能量。这太完美了!< / p >

It will depend on the cost and production process to see if it’s actually affordable for residential customers.
Can’t wait for this tech to develop!

评论由Ayold加拿大太阳能窗户涂料亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-1490 Ayold 2019年3月13日星期三13:29:40 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-1490 In reply to <a href="//www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-1425">Cary wiedman</a>. Dear Cary, Thank you for your interest! Currently, we only know what we have in our article. The SolarWindow solar coating discussed in this article is still very much in development. The company has no product yet on the market and are keeping the whole operation fairly hush hush. As soon as their product is ready, we will update our page. Best regards, Sofia - Coating.ca

在回复卡里wiedman < / >。



Sofia –亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址Coating.ca < / p > 评论太阳能窗户涂料加拿大由Cary wiedma亚搏手机登录主页版亚搏全站app登录n https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-1425 卡里wiedman 2019年3月11日星期一01:26:35 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-1425 Hello, I am a coating professional in saskatoon Saskatchewan. I also am very interested in this material and wondering if someone can reach out so I can ask some questions?

Hello, I am a coating professional in saskatoon Saskatchewan. I also am very interested in this material and wondering if someone can reach out so I can ask some questions?

评论由Ayold加拿大太阳能窗户涂料亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-848 Ayold 2018年7月12日星期四08:07:15 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-848 In reply to <a href="//www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-799">Phil Atack</a>. Dear Phil, Thank you for your question about Solar Window Coating. The coatings described in the article are research projects or in development and are not yet available on the market. When they are released as products we will update our page with all information. Best regards, Sofia - Coating.ca

在回复https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-799 菲尔Atack 2018年7月10日星期二10:01:37 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-799 I am an engineer moving into retirement in New Zealand. I have just bought a very simple house in the Wellington region with a lot of north-facing fence,roof, wall and window space. The property has no shade cast by trees or adjacent buildings. My plan is to seek innovative products (solar PV films, blinds, windows, tiles, coatings) with the intention to equip the house with a number of sources of state-of-the-art PV solar generation technologies and evaluate them. The house will also include a garaged area designed to evaluate alternative battery systems including battery banks reclaimed from EVs. I was interested in finding out more about your coating product and about the how the coating can be installed to areas of roofing and/or window space and the methods for connecting and regulating the generated power. I would also be interested in understanding how the coating is expected to perform under different conditions of surface temperature.

I am an engineer moving into retirement in New Zealand. I have just bought a very simple house in the Wellington region with a lot of north-facing fence,roof, wall and window space. The property has no shade cast by trees or adjacent buildings. My plan is to seek innovative products (solar PV films, blinds, windows, tiles, coatings) with the intention to equip the house with a number of sources of state-of-the-art PV solar generation technologies and evaluate them.

The house will also include a garaged area designed to evaluate alternative battery systems including battery banks reclaimed from EVs.

I was interested in finding out more about your coating product and about the how the coating can be installed to areas of roofing and/or window space and the methods for connecting and regulating the generated power.

I would also be interested in understanding how the coating is expected to perform under different conditions of surface temperature.

评论由Ayold加拿大太阳能窗户涂料亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-527 Ayold 2018年3月14日星期三08:33:22 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-527 In reply to <a href="//www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-520">Jerry MacDonald</a>. Hi Jerry, Thank you for your interest in solar window coating. We will send you an email to inform you further about the coating and the possibilities. Best regards, Jasmin - Coating.ca

在回复杰瑞·麦克唐纳< / >。< / p >

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for your interest in solar window coating. We will send you an email to inform you further about the coating and the possibilities.

Best regards,
Jasmin – Coating.ca

评论太阳能窗户涂料加拿大由杰瑞麦克唐纳亚搏全站app登录亚搏手机登录主页版 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/solar-window-coating/#comment-520 杰瑞·麦克唐纳 2018年3月13日星期二15:41:51 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4100#comment-520 我很好奇这个产品是否可以与交通结构玻璃结合使用。这将产生一些有趣的选择。谢谢你的任何信息,你可以提供我的这个概念,因为我正在看这个概念为一个类项目 我很好奇这种产品是否可以与交通结构玻璃结合使用。这将产生一些有趣的选择。

评论加拿大阿约德的光致发光涂料 https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-307 Ayold 2017年11月30日Thu 11:42:22 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-307 In reply to <a href="//www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-306">Guy Saunders</a>. Hi Guy, Thank you for your inquiry regarding bioluminescent powder. We will contact you by e-mail about available options. Have a nice day!

在回复https://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/photoluminescent-paint/#comment-306 家伙桑德斯 2017年11月30日星期四09:40:04 +0000 http://亚搏手机登录主页版亚博全站官网登录网址www.vroombistro.com/?p=4090#comment-306 Hi I'm looking to buy bioluminescent powder to use in a clear epoxy medium. I'd like to buy thru a Canadian channel.

Hi I’m looking to buy bioluminescent powder to use in a clear epoxy medium. I’d like to buy thru a Canadian channel.
