

纽约的工程材料和解决方案公司,artonic,设想了一个三英里的高摩天大楼,覆盖着烟雾的涂料。亚搏手机登录主页版这只是2017年,但该公司未来已经看起来45年。Arconic的工程师与未来学者合作,以想象几十年来最有利的技术。巨大的摩天大楼由仍在开发或已经带到市场的材料建造。自我清洁建筑是Arconics Campain'jetsons'的一部分,作为2062年的1962年卡通套装的敬意。


Arconic的首席材料科学家之一Sherri McTery表示,最令人兴奋和最直接的项目之一是ecococlean。这是一种特殊类型的纳米涂层,有助于建筑物自干净,净化周围的空气亚搏手机登录主页版。McTemery说,它于2011年首次发布,提供了传统窗格玻璃窗的许多好处。“功能涂料提供美学,维护益处,减少污染物,”她告诉商务内幕。亚搏手机登录主页版



Other smog eating solutions

A different project that is even bigger is the Palazzo Italia. This building is showcased in Milan in 2015 and has a similar smog eating coating over 13,000 square meters across six floors. Dutch scientists also adapted an air-purifying pavement, claiming this reduces pollution by 45%. The material is not very expensive because it’s adding only 4-5% to construction costs. But the impact of such buildings has been limited to their immediate location, and efforts to develop the concept have led to more novel, personalized solutions.


Air pollution is now the biggest global environmental killer, the WHO has confirmed. The seven million deaths it caused in 2012 exceeded the victims of cigarettes, and is more than double previous estimates. Air pollution in over half of 1,600 cities surveyed is now above safe limits of Particulate Matter (PM). It has the highest cost borne by the poorer regions of South-East Asia and the Western Pacific. In the future, a smog eating coating on buildings can help reduce pollutants and smog and can contribute to cleaner air.